
Alistair Cooke meets the Ghouls of New York

Recall the story from October 2005 concerning a criminal ring whose primary function was the procural, trade and traffic of human body parts. Said body parts having been illegally harvested from several NYC area funeral homes. The Brooklyn D.A's office centered their investigation around one Michael Mastromarino - cocaine enthusiast, defrocked (or is it desmocked) dentist, co-author of "Smile: How Dental Implants Can Transform Your Life" and part owner of Biomedical Tissue Services, Ltd.

While the DA's office has appropriately maintained the anonymity of the families of the improperly detoured interred, at least one name has been released. According to the New York Daily News, Alistair Cooke, broadcaster and historian, was possibly among those whose mortal remains were divided and re-sold as spare parts.

The Flaneur recalls watching hours and hours of his famous documentary series "Alistair Cooke's America". Mr. Cooke evidenced an enchantment with, and, dare we say, was even enamored with the character of American entrepreneurial spirit, in particular that of New Yorkers. At the end of the day, he had decided to make New York City his home, and was certainly wise enough to know what he was getting into - both the best and the worst of what America has to offer.

While The Flaneur would never condone or make light of such sensitive matters, and has only the utmost respect for the esteemed Mr. Cooke and his family, he muses that there is perhaps a touch of delicious irony behind the gruesome facade of this story. As a historian, Mr. Cooke would have been well-familiar with New York's long and august history in the workings of Ghouls. Perhaps on some level he would have appreciated the desecration as part of a time-honored New York tradition.

Nah, prolly not. Ah well, rest in pieces, Alistair.


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